Monday, August 18, 2008

My Country is the Best of the World

Brazil is my country and it is the best of the world for many reasons.
First of all, we have the biggest forest in the world, the Amazon Forest, with a biodiversity fauna and flora. We have more environmental conscience that many countries.
Second, we have healthy food with many fruits, vegetable, meat, rice, beans, and every thing is fresh. The Brazilians to concern with healthy body, mind and soul.
In addition, Brazil have the great Universities, public and federal, and if you are intelligent, smart and committed, you can study and don't pay anything for this.
The Brazilian people are very friendly, sympathetic, happy, hardworking and creative. Also, our country have beautiful: people, beaches, cities and places.
Our country have the biggest number Catholics in the world. The Brazilian Law is an example to all the world, specially in the area of Consumer Writ, Child and Adolescent, Employment and Human Writes.
In conclusion, for all you can see, Brazil is the greatest country of the world and every body needs to know about this country blessing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Priscila's Autobiographical

First of all, I was born in 1980 in Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil. I’m the oldest daughter and I’m blessed because I have a wonderful parents. I have 4 siblings, 2 sisters: Kely and Tarscila, and 2 brothers: Francisco and Lucian. My childhood was great! My brothers and I played together all the time.
Second, in school, I was very happy because I loved my teachers, my friends and learned different things every day.
In addition, College was the best part of my life. I meet my best friends there and it was my best 5 years that I’ will never forget. It was a lot of study and dedication for entry into College and to finish, but in the end it is worthwhile.
My graduation’ party was awesome and perfect! All the family went. My parents were so proud. That was many good memories.
After College, I work in the law office with my uncle and aunt. I learn so much with them.
Now I’m here in the USA, for increase my skills and learn English for come back to my country and find a good job.
In conclusion, I’m think that I’m blessed for all my good life, my wonderful family, my friends, my teachers, the people that help me and all the opportunities that I have to study in the great school and College.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Life in the USA

My life in the USA is incredible. I have been living a different way of life and culture. I also have enrolled in an ESOL class. In addition, I have seen many great shows.

First of all, is amazing to meet different people and culture, because I’m learning so much. I love to know how they live, what they like, their way of life, and a different language. I love to study in an ESOL class, because I’m learning English with a great teacher and my class mates are nice people. I have seen many great shows such as: Chris Cornell and Linkin Park. I couldn’t believe when I was in the concert. It was a dream that comes true. Amazing!

In conclusion, my life here has been very good. I’m grateful or every thing, because I believe that nothing is by chance and God have a plan for all of us.